Money Tree Bonsai: Meanings and Care Tips

The money tree bonsai is an attractive and popular plant that has many meanings and symbolism associated with it. In this article, we will explore the history and meaning of the money tree bonsai, as well as provide some care tips to keep your plant healthy and looking its best.

The money tree (Pachira Aquatica) is native to Central and South America. This small, evergreen tree produces large green leaves and bottle-shaped yellow-white flowers. It is dioecious, meaning that male and female flowers are produced on separate trees, or you can purchase a specimen that is both male and female for maximum fruit production.

Chinese mythology holds that the Pachira Aquatica will bring wealth to its owner if it is regularly watered with silver coins. Pachira Aquatica is considered a lucky plant and is used to promote financial fortune. It was also used as a medicine in the treatment of many illnesses, including cancer.

There are many different types of money tree bonsai available for sale. Some money tree bonsai have been created to grow over two feet tall, while others are trimmed at just four or five inches. Many of these come in a variety of colors, such as white, green, or purple.

By trimming the money tree bonsai properly and providing it with proper care, your plant can grow to be quite large. The money tree bonsai can live for several years and may not need to be repotted for a long time.

The money tree bonsai does not require much sunlight and is happiest when kept indoors. It prefers bright indirect natural light or artificial fluorescent light during the day. The money tree bonsai requires watering only once every few days. You should use tepid water and avoid allowing the plant to sit in water for long periods of time.

The bonsai can be fertilized with a special fertilizer specially formulated for lucky plants or an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer. Feed the plant about once a month, as directed in the instructions for the fertilizer you choose. You can also trim the money tree bonsai to promote new growth. Prune it sparingly, only to shape the plant.

A few types of money tree bonsai are available for sale from specialty plant dealers, as well as from nursery growers. The money tree bonsai is a very popular bonsai, and the number of these trees produced each year is large.

10 Care tips for a money tree bonsai:

1. Tree’s roots should be kept moist, but not wet.

The first step to taking care of any plant is to make sure that the soil is always moist, not soggy. If you water it too much, the roots can rot and your tree could die. Keep it in a location where its roots will not remain constantly wet or in contact with cold water that could freeze and damage the tree’s roots and trunk.

2. Watering

The money tree likes to be kept on the moist side, but never allowed to dry out completely. You must provide it with enough water to make sure that it is always moist, not wet.

The money tree bonsai needs to be watered every day or two. For the money tree bonsai to stay healthy, it must be kept in a location where its roots are never allowed to dry out completely. You must make sure that you provide the plant with enough water so that it is always moist, but not soggy.

3. Do not feed the plant.

The money tree bonsai is a tropical plant and likes to be kept in a warm, humid environment. It needs bright light and high humidity to stay healthy, and it will not survive long without these things. You should not feed the plant at all, as this can cause the cash tree bonsai to fail to grow properly.

4. Allow your money tree to grow

The money tree bonsai will not bloom for the first three to four years, and it will take some time before it becomes a large tree. Be patient with the plant and allow it time to grow. It can reach a height of up to 20 feet when fully grown.

5. Do not repot the plant often.

The plant can live in the same pot for up to six years without requiring repotting. You should only repot the plant when its roots begin to grow out of the drainage holes at the bottom of its container.

6. Keep it in a warm location without drafts.

The money tree likes to be kept in a warm, humid environment that is brightly lit with fluorescent light or indirect sunlight. It does not need much light, and it will not tolerate cold temperatures, drafts or direct sunlight very well.

7. Keep it away from drafts.

The money tree likes to be kept in a warm, humid location where it can grow and bloom. It does not like cold drafts, so do not try to keep it next to an air conditioner or window that faces the sun.

8. Keep it away from cold air drafts.

The money tree likes to be kept in a location with warm, humid air. It can feel cold when the weather begins to cool and you cannot keep your house as warm as it usually is. You should take steps to prevent drafts from entering your house and blowing onto the plant.

9. Keep the plant away from window air conditioning vents.

The money tree does not tolerate drafts, cold temperatures or direct sunlight very well. You will not want to keep a money tree bonsai next to your window air conditioner or in front of a large, sunny window.

10. Keep it away from the heat of fireplaces and vents.

The money tree does not tolerate cold temperatures and should never be placed next to a fireplace or air vent where it could get hot. You will not want to keep it in an area where it can get too hot and dry out, either.

So now you need to decide whether to buy a money tree bonsai for your home, or if you would rather purchase one for the garden. To keep your money tree bonsai happy and healthy, you will need to give it the proper care that it requires.